
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ambition the film

In the far future, humanity's first successful attempt to catch and study a comet is discussed between a master and apprentice as the beginning of the drive to explore the universe. This short film was shown preceding the ESA's presentation on the Rosetta mission's successful landing of the Philae probe on comet 67P. According to the ESA on YouTube, "Ambition is a collaboration between Platige Image and ESA. Directed by Tomek Bagiński and starring Aidan Gillen and Aisling Franciosi, Ambition was shot on location in Iceland, and screened on 24 October 2014 during the British Film Institute’s celebration of Sci-Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder, at the Southbank, London."

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Getting back on the Steam Trek

I'm back, so to speak. I am about to get really busy again, but I thought I would take the time to catch everyone up on what's been going on since my last (forever ago) posts.

I was working with a chap in England on turning a minitures tabletop game into a web version. However, since his promotion at his job, along with him getting married and having a baby, and then getting really active with his local larping community, the project has fallen off the charts.

I, on the other hand could not sustain the coding load by myself whilst working on my studies in nuclear physics. I have been (if I haven't mentioned before) doing nuclear research at the university I attend, on track for a nuclear mechanical engineering Bachelor of Science degree. Three research projects in three years with three successful and awarded results. Not to mention all the studying I've been doing in between all of that. Whew! I'm beat.

This year, I have taken an approved academic leave of absence due to health issues ("I'm getting better," said the old man on the cart before he got hit on the head) and moved out of Student Housing to buy a house while the buying is still good.

Over the summer, I have been getting to certain persons on the east coast who happen to have an interest in my artwork. So, presently I am doing art and graphic design with a podcaster in California for a couple of weeks for his website and Facebook page.

I have also just gone through an interviewing process with two individuals working on a seperate but related project, and Iam told that I have a couple of assignments that I can start working on once all the paperwork is complete.

But on to the good stuff, the reason that you come to this page in the first place:

I happen to be an avid Star Trek fan (ToS through Nemesis (not much a fan of Orci's and Abrams' versions of Trek), and the upcoming Axanar), I've come across some steampunk art that I found worth sharing. Forget about re-evisioning the present, let's re-envision the far-flung future! From fantastic German Deviant Artist, Flo Svensson, here are samples of some fine craftsmanship. After you see these, you will want to check out all his other goodies, so go check out his galleries. And don't forget to tell him what an awesome Steampunker he is!